Friday, 10 February 2012

Dress 26 : You Got a Friend In Me

I remember how hard it was to say goodbye to all my new friends in New York.  But it wasn’t anything I hadn’t done before.  When I moved to New York I had to say goodbye to so many good friends here in Australia.  As most of you know I never say goodbye, it’s just see you later!
Visiting Australia every few years I would catch up with my girlfriends from High School and each time I visited it was like nothing had changed.   Before Facebook we really didn’t keep in touch too much besides the odd email here and there, but when Facebook began it was so much easier to know who was up to what.

I’ve spoken to a few people and it’s amazing how many people have lost touch with their high school friends.  I guess it is very easy to do.  Friendship is hard work.  If you don’t work at it, it can easily disappear. 
I remember visiting home for one of my high school friends weddings which she had asked me to sing at.  It was such an honour to be asked to do this, especially as 7 or more years had passed since I had promised her in High School that I would sing at her wedding.  The years had changed, countries and boyfriends had changed, but the most important thing remained - our friendship.  I remember that night dancing on the dance floor with all High school girls and I had the sudden realisation of how important their friendship was to me and how lucky we were to have kept in touch.

Moving back to Australia I wondered if our friendship circle would be the same.  Girls had gotten married, engaged, bought houses and I was moving home with none of these things.  I needn’t had worried!  Now that I am back, we may not be heading to the Hallam on a Friday night, but I still catch up with my high school friends every few weeks and we are all still great friends even after I have been away for 8 years.  Whether it’s for a coffee, meeting a new baby or a few wines with cheese we are all still great friends supporting and laughing with each other like we were when we were 15 – only a lot smarter and wiser now!!
Last year I wore this dress to one of the girl’s houses for a Melbourne Cup party.   Wearing it today reminded me again of that day and the girlfriends who have been in my life for the past 15 years.  I hope they are still there in 15 more.

Yours in dresses

Dress 26: You Got a Friend in Me
Bought: 8 months ago
Price Range: $49.00
From: Femme Fatale, Melbourne CBD
What I like about it: I LOVE the silky feel and pattern of the material and the tulle underneath the skirt, totally 1950’s housewife!
Tag Info: Made in China, Caroline Morgan, Polyester Elastane
Photo Credit: JCorbett


  1. There's a pretty dress and I like the shoes.

  2. Like this one. It fits well and you've used tights instead of leggings, which keeps the flow. Like the print. It all pulls together quite well. Very pretty. - Carla

  3. Shoes, earrings, bracelet and hair thingy are really nice as well. - Carla
