Friday, 20 January 2012

Dress 14 : I'll Drink to That!

There’s nothing like the feeling of satisfaction you get when you grab a bargain!  I always get a little excited when I see a sign saying 30% off.   A few months ago Kirsty had told me she was going to VIP night at Chadstone.  Chadstone is the largest shopping centre in Australia, growing bigger and bigger each year.  The stores range from Louis Vuitton, Tiffany, GAP right down to Target and Kmart.

I had never heard of ‘VIP’ night before, so she explained to me that it was a night every few months that Chadstone is open until late and all the stores are invited to offer customers discount prices and it’s a great chance for shoppers to grab a bargain.
When I heard VIP night was on in November I jumped at the chance to head along and find me a bargain.  Kirsty and I met and braved the crowd and kept our eyes peeled for the specials.   Even better than all the shops having discounts that they normally wouldn’t was that Yellowtail was promoting their latest Champagne and had sampling stations through the centre.  After lining up and getting a free glass of champagne I’ve never felt more like a VIP than sauntering into the stores with a glass of champagne in my hand.

Kirsty had enough of shopping for the night and left me to my own devices.  20 minutes from being left alone I had christened my new credit card by buying 4 new dresses – at two different stores BUT they were all 30% off.  This dress was one of these purchases and as you will see it is orange!!  A colour I never wear.  I’m not sure what draw me to this dress but every time I wear it I can be guaranteed to have an awesome night full of the biggest surprises.  Wearing this yesterday true to form I had a great day and night full of big surprises!  
Frock up Fridays are getting HUGE at work .. this week we even had to take two different photos so everyone who had donned a frock could be included .. thanks girls for continuing the dress movement can’t wait to see how big it gets next week .. there is even talk of one of the guys wearing a kilt!  People have even started to sneak in the weekly picture without wearing dresses … next week you better be wearing a dress!

Day 14: I’ll drink to that
Bought: 2 months ago
Price Range: 40.00
From: Boutique store in Chadstone
What I like about this dress : I LOVE  the cute ruffle sleeves and the variations in colour, also the colour itself is quite unusual .
Tag Info: Made in China, Sunny Girl, 100% Polyester
Photo Credit: KMcKinnon


  1. OMG I can finally comment! Yay :)
    I like that you're wearing more and more colour (about time!) The colour really suits you and the length is good. Maybe a long necklace would be nice to jazz it up a bit but overall I like it.
    - Kirsty x

  2. Like the print. Like the slanted photo - probably because the leggings are lost in it, as well as the black sweater. The dress needs neither. Nice color. Some kind of black bead necklace - or clunky necklace with stones of some kind might have been nice, too - and a cuff bracelet perhaps.
